

Here are some fun facts about me!

Data Junkie

I love crunching numbers in order to generate social media, website and marketing reports that drive decisions. By leveraging the information from these reports, I create and tailor content that would appeal to target audiences. To develop my data analytics skills, I decided to pursue a concentration in Business Analytics. I also learned how to use languages and software like WordPress, Drupal, HTML, Google Analytics, Excel and IBM SPSS.

Marketing Ninja

I consider myself a marketing ninja because for the past seven years, I lived, breathed and taught Muay Thai kickboxing. I was a green belt, a silver medalist at Crusher Combat Sport’s 27th Annual Be First Championships and an Assistant Instructor at my dojo. To say that I love the sport would be an understatement.  Unfortunately, I was put out of commission because of a knee injury. However, I did not let that stop me from pursuing new interests! I viewed my break from kickboxing as an opportunity to improve my partner dancing skills and learn swing dancing.

Book Worm

A fun fact about me is that I am a bookworm who grew up reading sci-fi fantasy books. Over time, my love for reading has translated into a love for writing. In order to develop my tone as a writer, I wrote book reviews, author spotlights and event coverage for The Ubyssey newspaper. My passion for books is one of the reason why I decided to pursue marketing because I’m able to use my creativity and storytelling skills to create content that links company objectives with consumer needs. 

If you want to know more about me, you can check out the books featured on the right! They are some of my all-time favourite books and can give you insight into my personality, taste and most importantly, my sense of humour!